Networking kvöld WIFT á Íslandi á Röntgen

*English below*
Network kvöld WIFT á Íslandi fór fram sunnudaginn 2. febrúar á Röntgen.

Röntgen bauð gestum upp á ostabakka og var Happy Hour á barnum.

Um 30-40 konur mættu á viðburðinn sem eru á mismunandi stigi sín ferils, konur sem eru enn
í námi og konur sem hafa margra ára reynslu í bransanum.

Stjórn WIFT vill þakka þeim sem mættu fyrir komuna og við hlökkum til að sjá sem flest sem fyrst.

Networking event WIFT Iceland was held sunday 2nd of February at Röntgen.

Röntgen offered the guest cheese plate and had Happy hour at the bar.

Abour 30-40 persons came to the event that are on different level in their career, women that are still
in film school and women that have many years on their back in the industry.

The board of WIFT in Iceland want to thank everyone that attended the event and we are looking
forward to see most of you again.

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